Aktuelles, Branche, Veranstaltungen - geschrieben von cp am Donnerstag, September 10, 2009 23:12 - noch keine Kommentare
Veranstaltungshinweis: Gartner Information Security Summit
Managing risk and securing information: your contribution to the success of your organization!
This year’s Gartner Information Security Summit emphasizes the role of the individual practitioner, which is becoming increasingly specialized. What should you be doing, and what are the best practices of your peers? The event will provide the information and networking opportunities to help you do your job better.
Termin/Ort: 21.-22.09.2009 Hotel „Lancaster“, London
Threat 1: ‚Enemies on the inside‘
Unsettled times means unsettled employees with access to your data…Your answer?
Summit Solution – „User and Resource Access Monitoring to Improve Security“
Threat 2: Your critical data has gone mobile
Even the US President has demanded his mobile email…Your organization’s approach?
Summit Solution – „Secure Remote Access For Non-Securable People: Access Protection in an Outsourced, Contracted, Partnered World“
Threat 3: Tight budgets so make your case
The CIO has tightening the leash can you defend your budget priorities?
Summit Solution – „Report to the Board: Five Practical Tips to Link Risk and Security to Corporate Performance“
Threat 4: Solvency II, IFRS, SEPA…
Incoming compliance requirements must be tackled imminently…Your starting point?
Summit Solution – „Managing Compliance in a Pan-European Environment“
Threat 5: Risk management has been found wanting
When key stakeholders ask, can you prove your effectiveness?
Summit Solution – „The IT Security Manager’s Guide to Enterprise Risk Management“
Threat 6: More attacks from more sources
The downturn has spurred an increase in the number of threats…Your response?
Summit Solution – „Protecting the Endpoint from the Malware Pandemic“
Threat 7: Sophisticated and well-targeted
Your high-value data is top of attackers‘ shopping list…Your reaction?
Summit Solution – „Planning for DLP Deployments for Compliance and Intellectual Property Protection“
Typ: kostenpflichtige Kongressveranstaltung (€2,195 + 15% VAT)
Gartner UK Limited
Tamesis, The Glanty
GB – TW20 9AW Egham, Surrey
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!
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